
Abstract websocket functionality.

class lomond.websocket.WebSocket(url, protocols=None, agent=None)

IO independent websocket functionality.

Parameters:url (str) – A websocket URL, must have a ws:// or wss:// protocol.
Params list protocols:
 A list of supported protocols (defaults to no protocols).
Params str agent:
 A user agent string to be sent in the header. The default uses the value USER_AGENT defined in lomond.constants.

Get the websocket request (in bytes).

This method is called from the session, and should not be invoked explicitly.

close(code=None, reason=None)

Close the websocket.

  • code (int) – A closing code, which should probably be one of the enumerations in lomond.status.Status or a valid value as specified in https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6455#section-7.4
  • reason (str) – A short descriptive reason why the websocket is closing. This value is intended for the remote end to help in debugging.


Closing the websocket won’t exit the main loop immediately; it will put the websocket in to a closing state while it waits for the server to echo back a close packet. No data may be sent by the application when the websocket is closing.

connect(session_class=<class 'lomond.session.WebsocketSession'>, poll=5.0, ping_rate=30.0, auto_pong=True)

Connect the websocket to a session.

  • session_class – An object to manage the session. This object is an extension mechanism that will allow the WebSocket to be driven by different back-ends. For now, treat it as an implementation detail and leave it as the default.
  • poll (float) – Rate (in seconds) that poll events should be generated.
  • ping_rate (float) – Rate that ping packets should be sent. Set to 0 to disable auto pings.
  • auto_pong (bool) – Enable (default) automatic response to ping events.

An iterable of Event instances.


Feed with data from the socket, and yield any events.

Parameters:data (bytes) – data received over a socket.

Flag that indicates if the websocket is closed.


Boolean that indicates if the websocket is in a closing state. No further messages may be sent when a websocket is closing.


Boolean that indicates if the websocket is over ssl (i.e. the wss protocol).


Called on disconnect.


Called when the HTTP response has been received.


Reset the state.


Send a binary frame.

Parameters:data (bytes) – Binary data to send.
Raises:TypeError – If data is not bytes.

Send a ping packet.


data (bytes) – Data to send in the ping message (must be <= 125 bytes).

  • TypeError – If data is not bytes.
  • ValueError – If data is > 125 bytes.

Send a pong packet.

Parameters:data (bytes) – Data to send in the ping message (must be <= 125 bytes).

A pong may be sent in response to a ping, or unsolicited to keep the connection alive.

  • TypeError – If data is not bytes.
  • ValueError – If data is > 125 bytes.

Send a text frame.

Parameters:text (str) – Text to send.
Raises:TypeError – If data is not str (or unicode on Py2).